Defending the King James Bible (Korean)
This study on "Defending the King James Bible--A Four-Fold Superiority--God's Word Kept Intact In English" is the product of over twenty-one years of the author's thinking, researching, writing, publishing, and speaking on this most important theme. There is no more important subject in all the Christian Faith than the BIBLE. One vital question is: Which English Bible are we to read, study, memorize, preach from, and use today? A second important question is: Which English Bible can we hold in our hands and say with great confidence, "This is the Word of God in English"? It has been the purpose of this study to answer both of the above questions by pointing to the King James Bible, proving its superiority in four areas: (1) its superior Texts; (2) its superior Translators; (3) its superior Techniques; and (4) its superior Theology. In all four of these areas, the King James Bible has no equal! The study is to be viewed as a suggestive outline of this theme rather than being in any sense exhaustive. There is really no end to this important discussion, due to the almost inexhaustible information available on it. Throughout the book, we have cited many helpful volumes for further study. We have also included (at the end of this book) a Bibliography which, at the time of publication, consisted of over 900 titles. This Bibliography lists books, tapes, videos, and other valuable materials on this theme which the reader might want to secure for his own library. More titles are being added monthly. For the latest up-to-date list of materials, we suggest you write The Bible For Today and request Brochure #1. Though much has been added to this present volume, the bulk of material contained was delivered at a seminar on the King James Bible given at Grace Baptist Church, Cortland, New York, on February 13 and 14, 1988. The original seminar is available in both five, two-hour audio cassettes and/or two video cassettes. To the original three chapters have been added Chapter V, Appendices A and B, the Index, and the Additional References. Appendix C contains thirty-nine questions and answers that were asked during the original seminars. We hope that the answers to these questions which pertain to the defense of the King James Bible might be helpful to the readers.
Hardback; 327 pages
ISBN 1568480121