The Church That Jesus Loved
This book is subtitled, "The importance of the Baptist Church being independent." A collection of pithy, hard- hitting, no punches pulled articles written by Bro. Wells and later compiled into a book. Bro. Wells pastored Central Baptist Church in Cincinnati, Ohio, and was president of Cincinnati Baptist College for many years.
Contents: When Is a Baptist Church Independent?
Close Communion
Fundamental? Missionary? Independent? Bible? New Testament? Premillennial? Conservative?
What Kind of Baptist?
Let's Pull the Trigger
The Baptist and the Catholic
Which Church Should I Join? Does it Make Any Difference What I Believe?
God's Blessings Are Upon Independent Baptists
A Much Needed Answer to an Oft Repeated Criticism
Are Baptists Independent Because They Oppose the Conventions?
God's Way Versus Man's Way
In the Church...Out of the Church
Every Bible-Believing Baptist Should Belong to An Independent Baptist Church
The N.T. Way...It Really Works!
How To Be a Baptist
Why Are We Called Baptist?
Who Were the First Baptists?
Brief History of the Baptists
Cooperation Among Baptists
This Is An Urgent Call For a National Fellowship Meeting of Independent Baptists
The Authority to Baptize
Let Independent Baptists Beware!
Paperback; 112 pages
Also Available on Kindle: The Church That Jesus Loved